Our industry has been on the brink of success for quite sometime now and we are getting there slowly but there is a still long way to go. Our population still prefers international content over local and that is disturbing for all of us and a moment to think about. Our movies have been victim of been preferred below big international projects like on big occasions like Eid which are supposed to be Pakistan's big Festival event even on this event International movies take over the cinemas and dethrone even good movies that are being made locally. In this scenario we loose all the revenue to international movies which is not bad because it helps local distributors invest in more screens but its also not good for local content. International films should be in the cinemas and should not be banned but they always get more screens and preference over local content and that is bad for both the producers and the emerging talent. International films should be released after few weeks of the release of the local films so that the both films get equal opportunity to perform at the Boxoffice.
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