Punjab Nhi Jaungi Directed by Nadeem Baig starring huge cast of Hamayun saeed, Mehvish hayat, Urwa Hussain and Saba Hameed. Slated for Eid-ul-fitr release it is set to become the blockbuster needed.
The much awaited teaser was released online and gathered a lot of acclaim. We ll see here if its worth it or not.
Whats hot
The teaser is absolutely grand in every sense. From locations to dresses to musical numbers everything is done perfectly. And performances also seem strong. All the actors are on a roll and gave the film their best. There was little scope of the story but it looks like the story of love and betrayal. And kudos to Mehvish hayat for the Strong dialogue. This is bigger and hopefully better than JPNA So all we can say is the wait is strong with this one.
Whats not
There was not much to not like in the teaser. But the music front was a little bit repetitive but we will get lots of musical numbers from this one so i am keeping my hopes up.
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