Punjab Nahi jaungi has nearly done its production and is soon ready to release its first teaser. The film being Helmed by Nadeem baig and Starring huge cast of Hamayun saeed, Urwa Hocane, Ahmed ali butt and Mehvish hayat. The pictures from sets pointed that movie would be an extravaganza but this first snippet from the makers made sure that the movie is gonna be huge. Well that was obvious considering ARY and Nadeem baig have had huge collabs in the past.
Anyone from the industry who has seen the trailer only have praises for the team.
After this snippet the wait for the trailer is getting bad.
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ReplyDeleteThe teaser of upcoming Pakistani movie starring Mahwish Hayat "Punjab Nahi Jaungi" has been released.The film will be released
on Eid-ul-Azha.